The Round Table will take place at 4pm on Saturday 17 September 2016 as part of Designersblock’s new Creative Matters forum. Hosted by Design Geek founding editor Katie Treggiden, the panel will include award-winning designer Ella Doran, interior designers the 2 Lovely Gays, and editor of Intern magazine Alec Dudson.
“Creative Matters is an invitation to collaborate, network, research and create a dialogue,” say the organisers. “Join creative thinkers, practitioners, institutions and businesses to debate, forecast and shape the role of creativity in future economies.”
Following a healthy debate about the benefits and pitfalls of internships in the design industry, the aim will be to reach a Manifesto for Design Internships, which both interns and employers will be able to sign up to, and which will become a condition of advertising or applying for internships on the Design Geek Jobs Board.
Spotting a gap in the market for product and furniture design jobs, genuine opportunities for new designers, and the jobs that surround design, such as editorial or sales jobs, Design Geek has recently launched a new Jobs Board. Ads are priced very competitively (from just £40) and if your position isn’t filled within 28 days of being listed, we will re-list it for free.
“From the people we’ve spoken to, there seemed to be several gaps in the market that we felt Design Geek was perfectly placed to address,” says founding editor Katie Treggiden. “Our new Jobs Board specialises in product and furniture design jobs, genuine opportunities for new designers, and the jobs that surround design, including editorial and sales jobs. I found my dream job in the design industry and I hope we can help lots more people do the same.” This new offering is also helping design businesses to grow – 10{ff546b69e23b1524d799f96c6ba7a638e1f677053b0a2a1568b05315fd5f8fc7} of the profit from the Jobs Board is being invested in a grant that small businesses can apply for to fund paid internships.
The Round Table on Internships in Design will take place at The Barge House, Oxo Tower Wharf, Barge House St, London SE1 9GY at 4pm on Saturday 17 September 2016. Register here to attend, or click here to advertise a job on our new Jobs Board.