The collection includes a necklace made from a ‘Slinky’ spring toy, one which is half pencil and half encased pencil shavings, a ring which doubles up as a maze toy which you tilt to get the ball inside from one end to the other and a brooch with removable crayons…
Tag: graduate show
Philippe Hohlfeld’s floating farms fill empty shipping containers
Due to an imbalance between imports and exports, every year 26.1 million shipping container loads travel from China, but only 12.9m loads travel back to China – meaning that half of the containers going back to Asia are empty, a fact that designer Innovation Design Engineering graduate Philippe Hohlfeld stumbled upon after…
Alexander Loudon’s viewfinders reframe coastal vistas
In a modern take on the telescopic viewfinders many of us spent childhood holidays putting 10p into before standing on tiptoes to see a magnified version of the view that was right in front of us, people are invited to put their heads inside a concave dome that narrows into a…
Marcus Kane’s Tempo uses kinetic energy to produce 15 minutes of light
Central Saint Martin’s graduate Marcus Kane has developed a self-powered light that uses kinetic energy to generate 15 minutes of light at a time. Tempo is a circular wall light with an internal mechanic motor inside, powered by a user-operated counter-weight. When you pull down a tab on one side,…
out and about :: 2015 graduate shows
Graduate show season has drawn to a close, so I thought I’d share some of the most inspiring projects I’ve seen this year. I visited Plymouth College of Art (where I spotted, among other things, Melanie Wood’s neon carpet concept above), the Royal College of Art, Central Saint Martin’s, New…
out and about :: design academy eindhoven graduate show
The Design Academy Eindhoven graduate show was definitely one of the highlights of Dutch Design Week for me – it was a real honour to meet so many articulate students presenting projects of a really diverse nature, and to have a tour from the Head of the Man and Wellbeing…
brink :: gav birmingham & win VIP tickets!
BRINK opens at Tent London exactly one week from today, so without further ado, I am delighted to announce the final designer selected to take part, Gav Birmingham. While studying at Dundee University, Gav was briefed to design something that would make somebody’s life better. His brother is diabetic, so…
brink :: henry franks
As we get closer and closer to the big day, I am delighted to announce another BRINK designer: Henry Franks. The Confused Coat Hanger is part of a range of ‘dyslexic objects’ Henry has designed. Dyslexic himself, his intention is to improve objects by adding of a dyslexic element. Some…
brink :: kingston university graduate show
Another graduate show I went to in the hunt for outstanding work for the new graduate design show BRINK was Kingston University’s. Here are some of the things I spotted – from top to bottom, left to right: Joshua Tomkins’ Experimentation of Wedges is flat pack furniture in its simplest form; a…
brink :: central saint martins graduate show
By now I’m hoping you’ll all have heard of BRINK – it’s a new graduate design show as part of the London Design Festival that I’m collaborating with Tent London on. There will be university and graduate collective stands (more on those very soon!) and I’m curating a selection of…
brink :: rca graduate show
Two weeks ago I announced my collaboration with Tent London to launch a new graduate design show as part of London Design Festival. BRINK will showcase the best graduate design talent of 2013. There will be stands from universities and graduate collectives; and a curated area of designs that have particularly…
brink :: falmouth university graduate show
It’s graduate show season, so I’ve been hard at work visiting as many graduate shows as my little legs will carry me to, hunting down the very best graduate work for my curated section of new graduate design show, BRINK, which confessions of a design geek is collaborating with Tent…
brink :: a very exciting announcement
I am delighted, honoured and excited to announce some really big news today…. In partnership with Tent London, confessions of a design geek will be launching a new show at the London Design Festival in September. It seemed crazy to us that there is no graduate design show as part…