Clippings, December 2013 | Katie Treggiden Skip to content

Clippings, December 2013

This article was written 11 years ago.

From March until December 2013, I wrote a weekly feature for the Clippings online magazine. This is an article I wrote just before Christmas about the Danish concept of Hygge.
galvanised wire candle holder

Start to think about Christmas, and if you’re anything like me, the images that spring to mind are less a romantic scene of Dickensian bliss and more to-do lists, family politics, and piles of plastic toys that play second fiddle to the boxes they came in. It seems to get more commercialised, more expensive and more stressful every year. I’m not about to suggest moving to a world cup model and only having Christmas every four years in a rotating host country (my other half’s bright idea), but I am about to suggest slowing down.

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Contact Katie


Katie Treggiden is also the founder and director of Making Design Circular — an international membership community and online learning platform for environmentally conscious designers, makers, artists and craftspeople.
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