Design Milk, September 2013

An in-depth look at the making of Joanna Ham’s newest venture into the art world – a series of complex screen prints entitled Woman…
Joanna Ham is a really exciting new artist who burst onto the scene with the launch of her Woman series at Craft Central’s Imprint during the London Design Festival. Based in London, she is better known as the creative force behind homewares brand HAM, through which she creates bold black on white prints depicting farmyard animals taking part in uniquely human activities. Whilst beautifully created and meticulously executed, they perhaps bely the talent of this young artist, who has a BA(Hons) from The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford University. If that’s the case, her newest work, released under her maiden name Joanna Ham, is about to set the record straight.
All copy is reproduced here as it was supplied by Katie Treggiden to the client or publication.
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